Is there any question that Jim Lindsey and Bob Coleman went outside of the company to hire Dilbert's boss? John and his crew grew up in Six Sigma and now it is all they know. Are you concerned that you can't quite figure out what they are trying to do? Don't worry about it. They don't know either. That's why they have to cling to 15-20 year old jargon in order to keep you off balance, and to present a facade that they do know what they are doing. Flat to declining sales since John arrived speak loudly enough. Enough. Enough. Please, enough! LEFT CLICK THE PICTURE TO ENLARGE IT.
Great Dilbert cartoon in last Sunday’s paper and absolutely on target regarding our present sad so-called leadership. Check out this link to a 1996 Newsweek Dilbert article that perfectly describes what was going on over 10-years ago where John and so many others like him were in training to take over nice little companies like ours.
"Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but STUPID lasts forever."
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